Heartland Child Nutrition
Common Questions from New Providers
I am caring for an infant and his brother. Is it worth it to be on the food program for just a couple of children?
Yes! In your case, if caring for the two children full days during the work week, reimbursement could be $11.34 per day (if qualifying for Tier I). And it would only involve about 3 minutes of recordkeeping per day! You would probably be serving the children nutritous meals and snack even if not on the food program so why not add to your income by becoming a participant with Heartland Child Nutrition?
I care for several families on a drop-in basis. Would these children's meals be reimbursable?
Yes. As long as the children were enrolled in the food program by their parent or guardian, the qualifying meals or snacks you serve could be reimbursed.
Can I claim my own children for reimbursement if they are part of my daycare?
If you are income qualified by your own household income you may claim your children. Please refer to the Tier I Income Guidelines to determine if you may qualify.
When is payment made to providers?
At the end of the month, claims are submitted to Heartland. We process the claims and make a request to USDA for the funds to pay the claims. Once those federal funds are received, a direct deposit is made to the provider's account around the 20th of that month. As an example, meals/snacks claimed in August will receive reimbursement on September 20-24 (exact date may vary depending on day of the week, holiday week, etc.).
I want to submit my claim online. But what if my computer crashes? Will I lose all the information I entered?
Your information will not be lost. All entered data is stored in Minute Menu's central system so even if your computer breaks, all the information is retrevable.
How many times will a Heartland Child Nutrition Regional Representative visit my home?
USDA requires that a food program sponsor make a minimum of 3 visits per year during child care hours. The visits are intended to be helpful and friendly.
Cooking is not my strong suit. Is the food program a struggle for someone like me?
No worries! Kids like simple foods. Heartland can help you with nutritious menu ideas that are quick, easy and won't require a knack for scratch cooking.